Geospatial Operations Support Team (GOST)

Geospatial Operations Support Team (GOST)#



Welcome to the Geospatial Operations Support Team’s website. GOST brings spatial insight to WB lending to improve transparency and accountability.

We invest in geospatial data to lower costs for everyone.
We advise teams on its use. We analyze that data to inform lending decisions.
We train counterparts and teams to collect it and use it in their results frameworks.


We document important resources, methods, and sources in real time via this live wiki. This repository is the evolving, growing workspace where GOST stores libraries and scripts for operationalizing the many initatives urrenctly on going in the geospatial realm within the World Bank Group.


🚏 GOSTNets

Charles Fox wrote GOSTNets with input from Ben Stewart, Thomas Gertin and Keith Garrett. It contains a series of functions for network analysis of OpenStreetMap data. These include Origin-Destination matrix creation, market potential analysis, marketshed analysis, real-time travel time analysis and facility location optimization.

🚏 GOSTNets_Raster

A raster implementation for faster market access calculations.

🍃 GEE_Zonal

Wrapper funcitons to request statistics from Google Earth Engine.


GEE scripts for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) work.

👋 GOST_PublicGoods

Standalone notebooks, repository for completed analytical tasks.

📈 Space2Stats

New project to disseminate sub-national statistics.

👷 GOSTRocks

Ben Stewart created GOSTRocks for faster routine processing of geospatial data (raster functions, zonal statistics, urbanization metrics, misc.)

👷 Gender Enabling Environments Spatial Tool

The project aims to propose a novel methodology and generate a geospatial open-source tool for mapping the enabling environments for women in a country that can inform new energy projects to support the advancement of women’s economic empowerment in SIDS while contributing to closing gender gaps in employment in the RE sector.




Show and Tell#

Every other Thursday, GOST host a lunchtime get-together in the form of “Show&Tell” or “Guest of the Month” to discuss new and interesting geospatial ideas and solutions. View previous sessions and recordings here.

If you have an idea for a “show-and-tell” or would like to be added to our email list please send a note to

ESRI Office Hours#

We host reccuring Geospatial Innovation Sessions in partnership with Esri.

The Innovation Session is an opportunity to:

  • Bring your questions to discuss data, workflows, and resources available to you.

  • Discover innovative tools and technologies to support your work.

  • Connect with experts to scope and develop your project.

  • Get tailored recommendations on training resources.

  • Learn how to use World Bank’s Geospatial Platform, GeoWB.

The Office Hours will be hosted every other Tuesdays from 1PM-2PM EST in-person and virtually.

  • For DC-based staff, you can join us in GOST’s offices

  • For remote staff, you can join us using the Teams link included in the invite.


Satellite State of Play
Light Every Night Dataset
Enhancing FCV Operations with Geospatial ICT Tools