call a table from .pip env

call_aux(table = NULL)



character: name of table in .pip env. If NULL, it displays the names of tables available in .pip env


data frame of auxiliary table


# call one table

get_aux("gdp", assign_tb = TRUE, force = TRUE)
#>  Auxiliary table gdp successfully fetched. You can now call it by typing
#> `pipr::call_aux('gdp')`
#> # A tibble: 10,120 × 4
#>    country_code data_level year   value
#>    <chr>        <chr>      <fct>  <dbl>
#>  1 ABW          national   1977     NA 
#>  2 ABW          national   1978     NA 
#>  3 ABW          national   1979     NA 
#>  4 ABW          national   1980     NA 
#>  5 ABW          national   1981     NA 
#>  6 ABW          national   1982     NA 
#>  7 ABW          national   1983     NA 
#>  8 ABW          national   1984     NA 
#>  9 ABW          national   1985     NA 
#> 10 ABW          national   1986  15222.
#> # ℹ 10,110 more rows

# see the name of several tables in memory
tb <- c("cpi", "ppp", "pop")
lapply(tb, get_aux, assign_tb = TRUE, force = TRUE)
#>  Auxiliary table cpi successfully fetched. You can now call it by typing
#> `pipr::call_aux('cpi')`
#>  Auxiliary table ppp successfully fetched. You can now call it by typing
#> `pipr::call_aux('ppp')`
#>  Auxiliary table pop successfully fetched. You can now call it by typing
#> `pipr::call_aux('pop')`
#> [[1]]
#>  cpi 
#> TRUE 
#> [[2]]
#>  ppp 
#> TRUE 
#> [[3]]
#>  pop 
#> TRUE 
#> ── tables available in env pip ──
#> `gdp`
#> `ppp`
#> `cpi`
#> `pop`