Projects using the template

Projects using the template#

A curated list of projects/repositories using the template.

Using Alternative Data to Understand Changing Trends in Trade and Economic Activity in Syria

Using Alternative Data to Understand Economic Impacts of the 2023 Turkey–Syria Earthquake

Understanding Lebanon’s Economy through Alternative Data

Using Alternative Data to Understand Economic Impacts of the 2023 Morocco earthquake.

Understanding Myanmar’s Economy through Alternative Data

The Pacific Observatory is the World Bank analytical program to explore and develop new information sources to mitigate the impact of data gaps in official statistics for Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the Pacific Island Countries (PICs).

A suite of auto-regressive and Seq2Seq (sequence-to-sequence) transformer models for tabular and relational synthetic data generation.

iQual is a package that leverages natural language processing to scale up interpretative qualitative analysis. It also provides methods to assess the bias, interpretability and efficiency of the machine-enhanced codes. iQual has been applied to analyse interviews on parents’ aspirations for their children in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh.

This python package provides a wrapper function to request temporal and zonal statistics from Google Earth Engine (GEE) datasets.

We document important resources, methods, and sources in real time via this live wiki. This repository is the evolving, growing workspace where GOST stores libraries and scripts for operationalizing the many initiatives currently going on in the geospatial realm within the World Bank Group.

Consistent, comparable, authoritative data describing sub-national variation is a constant point of complication for World Bank teams, our development partners, and client countries when assessing and investigating economic issues and national policy. This project will focus on creating and disseminating such data through aggregation of geospatial information at standard administrative divisions, and through the attribution of household survey data with foundational geospatial variables.

Mapping and quantifying opportunities for economic diversification in Mpumalanga in South Africa

This repository contains scripts developed by GOST to map health facilities and understand differences in population access in support of the GFF Country Equity Diagnostic and other projects.

The Heatwaves Data Collaborative enables teams across sectors and organizations to simultaneously focus on their areas of expertise, while collaborating through use of common frameworks and datasets, standards for production and review of reusable methods, and through regular check-ins to ensure the different work streams are aligned and build upon each other.

The Geospatial Analysis repository aims to centrally maintain cleaning and analysis of data that leverage geospatial data conducted by the Poverty and Equity Group in the MENA region.

The team conducted geospatial analysis to advise on key questions that could inform a more integrated health care system, starting with three LGUs (Bohol, Baguio City, and Maguindanao).

Understanding societal responses to policies undertaken during emergencies: Lessons from COVID-19’s Second Wave in Maharashtra

Part of Understanding the vulnerability of New Delhi to Heatwaves, this repository holds a collection of (experimental) Jupyter notebooks exploring data available through the Development Data Partnership.