If you have suggestions of tables you would like to see in this library and are not currently here, you can open an issue describing your suggestion. No previous knowledge of GitHub is needed to do this. Please read already existing issues to check whether someone else has made the same suggestion or reported the same error before creating a new issue.
If you have tables you would like to add to this library and are comfortable using GitHub, fork the repository and submit a pull request to the develop branch with any additions you want to make. Please read the guidelines below about on code, branching and folder structure conventions before opening a pull request.
If you have tables you would like to add to this library but you are not comfortable using GitHub, you can send an e-mail to dimeanalytics@worldbank.org. Use the subject “Contribution to R Table Replication” and attach a zipped folder containing (1) the de-identified data used to create the table, and (2) the code that creates the tables from such data.
Please read the guidelines below on code conventions before sending your contribution. We also recommend that you create a GitHub account and include your GitHub handle in the e-mail so you can receive credit for your contribution.
If your are using our template Markdown file, the HTML file and the tables will be automatically saved in the correct folder, as long as the Markdown file is saved in the Library folder. The only adjustment to the template needed for this to replace table_result
in file paths in the template file with (author and year)_(table number)
(eg. Fafchamps2014_table1