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Here are some examples on how to use the povcalnet
Default Options
Be default, povcalnet
returns poverty estimates at $1.9 usd a day in 2011 PPP for all the surveys available.
povcanet, clear
*. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
*. | countrycode year povertyline headcount mean median |
*. |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 1. | AGO 2000 1.9 .3227822 136.7125 86.47519 |
*. 2. | AGO 2008 1.9 .3008292 120.7577 87.02627 |
*. |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 3. | ALB 1996 1.9 .0112912 187.8427 165.0867 |
*. 4. | ALB 2002 1.9 .0204732 191.988 158.363 |
*. 5. | ALB 2005 1.9 .0112373 217.0335 184.6848 |
*. 6. | ALB 2008 1.9 .0037052 237.5353 198.7757 |
*. 7. | ALB 2012 1.9 .0106392 225.2692 195.0467 |
*. |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 8. | ARG 1980 1.9 .0036856 796.8967 609.356 |
*. 9. | ARG 1986 1.9 0 863.0112 635.2688 |
*. 10. | ARG 1987 1.9 0 788.8666 557.7358 |
*. 11. | ARG 1991 1.9 .0110414 559.907 370.9952 |
*. 12. | ARG 1992 1.9 .0205003 564.6129 387.9738 |
*. 13. | ARG 1993 1.9 .0242011 566.0145 396.681 |
*. 14. | ARG 1994 1.9 .0228149 558.6381 383.2049 |
*. 15. | ARG 1995 1.9 .0411135 530.8553 354.3608 |
*. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Basic Options
Filter by country
povcalnet, country("ALB") clear
*. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
*. | countrycode year povertyline headcount mean median |
*. |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 1. | ALB 1996 1.9 .0112912 187.8427 165.0867 |
*. 2. | ALB 2002 1.9 .0204732 191.988 158.363 |
*. 3. | ALB 2005 1.9 .0112373 217.0335 184.6848 |
*. 4. | ALB 2008 1.9 .0037052 237.5353 198.7757 |
*. 5. | ALB 2012 1.9 .0106392 225.2692 195.0467 |
*. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
povcalnet, country("ALB CHN") clear
*. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
*. | countrycode year povertyline headcount mean median |
*. |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 1. | ALB 1996 1.9 .0112912 187.8427 165.0867 |
*. 2. | ALB 2002 1.9 .0204732 191.988 158.363 |
*. 3. | ALB 2005 1.9 .0112373 217.0335 184.6848 |
*. 4. | ALB 2008 1.9 .0037052 237.5353 198.7757 |
*. 5. | ALB 2012 1.9 .0106392 225.2692 195.0467 |
*. |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 6. | CHN 1981 1.9 .9535688 29.60017 27.01447 |
*. 7. | CHN 1981 1.9 .5914477 56.36052 53.66441 |
*. 8. | CHN 1981 1.9 .8807173 34.98382 . |
*. 9. | CHN 1984 1.9 .8456264 41.28645 36.63175 |
*. 10. | CHN 1984 1.9 .4236267 64.59421 61.40226 |
*. 11. | CHN 1984 1.9 .7519298 46.46147 . |
*. 12. | CHN 1987 1.9 .7205992 50.18413 43.71798 |
*. 13. | CHN 1987 1.9 .2407536 78.38737 73.9687 |
*. 14. | CHN 1987 1.9 .6041935 57.02595 . |
*. 15. | CHN 1990 1.9 .785309 48.03129 40.10764 |
*. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Filter by year
povcalnet, country("ALB") year("2002 2012") clear
*. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
*. | countrycode year povertyline headcount mean median |
*. |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 1. | ALB 2002 1.9 .0204732 191.988 158.363 |
*. 2. | ALB 2012 1.9 .0106392 225.2692 195.0467 |
*. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
povcalnet, country("ALB") year("2002 2020") clear // just 2002
*. +------------------------------------------------------------------+
*. | countrycode year povertyline headcount mean median |
*. |------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 1. | ALB 2002 1.9 .0204732 191.988 158.363 |
*. +------------------------------------------------------------------+
povcalnet, country("ALB") year("2020") clear // error
*. years selected do not match any survey year for any country.
*. You could type povcalnet info to check availability.
*. r(20);
Modify the poverty line
povcalnet, country("ALB CHN") povline(5.5) clear
*. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
*. | countrycode year povertyline headcount mean median |
*. |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 1. | ALB 1996 5.5 .5149493 187.8427 165.0867 |
*. 2. | ALB 2002 5.5 .5409047 191.988 158.363 |
*. 3. | ALB 2005 5.5 .4260391 217.0335 184.6848 |
*. 4. | ALB 2008 5.5 .358052 237.5353 198.7757 |
*. 5. | ALB 2012 5.5 .3912901 225.2692 195.0467 |
*. |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 6. | CHN 1981 5.5 .99999 29.60017 27.01447 |
*. 7. | CHN 1981 5.5 .9982551 56.36052 53.66441 |
*. 8. | CHN 1981 5.5 .999641 34.98382 . |
*. 9. | CHN 1984 5.5 .9973044 41.28645 36.63175 |
*. 10. | CHN 1984 5.5 .9969091 64.59421 61.40226 |
*. 11. | CHN 1984 5.5 .9972166 46.46147 . |
*. 12. | CHN 1987 5.5 .9892666 50.18413 43.71798 |
*. 13. | CHN 1987 5.5 .9867092 78.38737 73.9687 |
*. 14. | CHN 1987 5.5 .9886462 57.02595 . |
*. 15. | CHN 1990 5.5 .9878059 48.03129 40.10764 |
*. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
Other features
Get estimates for references years when survey years are not available
The fillgaps
option triggers the interpolation/extrapolation of poverty estimates to reference years even when survey years are not available
povcalnet, countr(AGO) clear
*. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
*. | countrycode year povertyline headcount mean median datatype |
*. |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 1. | AGO 2000 1.9 .3227822 136.7125 86.47519 Consumption |
*. 2. | AGO 2008 1.9 .3008292 120.7577 87.02627 Consumption |
*. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
povcalnet, countr(AGO) clear fillgaps
*. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
*. | countrycode year povertyline headcount mean median datatype |
*. |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
*. 1. | AGO 1981 1.9 .2528001 170.9316 108.1199 Consumption |
*. 2. | AGO 1984 1.9 .254005 169.8243 107.4195 Consumption |
*. 3. | AGO 1987 1.9 .2502811 172.46 109.0867 Consumption |
*. 4. | AGO 1990 1.9 .26458 162.944 103.0675 Consumption |
*. 5. | AGO 1993 1.9 .4281284 106.9601 67.65576 Consumption |
*. 6. | AGO 1996 1.9 .3468005 129.2098 81.72945 Consumption |
*. 7. | AGO 1999 1.9 .3235836 136.4937 86.33674 Consumption |
*. 8. | AGO 2002 1.9 .3340467 136.1805 . Consumption |
*. 9. | AGO 2005 1.9 .3372437 131.0922 . Consumption |
*. 10. | AGO 2008 1.9 .2862413 128.7009 . Consumption |
*. 11. | AGO 2010 1.9 .3015225 120.5281 86.86079 Consumption |
*. 12. | AGO 2011 1.9 .3020035 120.3387 86.72429 Consumption |
*. 13. | AGO 2012 1.9 .2824827 126.0506 90.84069 Consumption |
*. 14. | AGO 2013 1.9 .2733269 127.705 92.03295 Consumption |
*. 15. | AGO 2015 1.9 .2820334 126.1005 90.87667 Consumption |
*. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Compute custom aggregates
The aggregate
option computes aggregate welfare statistics of custom group of countries using the reference year estimates (i.e. including the interpolation/extrapolation)
povcalnet, aggregate clear countr(CHL ARG BOL)
*. +-------------------------------------------+
*. | year povertyline headcount mean |
*. |-------------------------------------------|
*. 1. | 1981 1.9 .0307906 582.91 |
*. 2. | 1984 1.9 .0496136 597.6374 |
*. 3. | 1987 1.9 .0423164 576.1755 |
*. 4. | 1990 1.9 .0376588 457.9516 |
*. 5. | 1993 1.9 .044295 476.5255 |
*. 6. | 1996 1.9 .0622336 468.0056 |
*. 7. | 1999 1.9 .0761674 452.4822 |
*. 8. | 2002 1.9 .1299185 333.7441 |
*. 9. | 2005 1.9 .0595559 466.5413 |
*. 10. | 2008 1.9 .037928 537.7383 |
*. 11. | 2010 1.9 .0256542 570.7694 |
*. 12. | 2011 1.9 .0209171 605.9316 |
*. 13. | 2012 1.9 .0204949 620.9224 |
*. 14. | 2013 1.9 .0174703 639.773 |
*. 15. | 2015 1.9 .0171186 640.9478 |
*. +-------------------------------------------+