GOSTurban package#
GOSTurban.LEI module#
GOSTurban.UrbanRaster module#
- GOSTurban.UrbanRaster.geocode_cities(urban_extents)#
Generate names for polygon urban extents
- Parameters
urban_extents – geopandas dataframe of polygons to be named. Need to be in epsg:4326
- GOSTurban.UrbanRaster.tPrint(s)#
- class GOSTurban.UrbanRaster.urbanGriddedPop(inRaster)#
- calculateDegurba(urbDens=300, hdDens=1500, urbThresh=5000, hdThresh=50000, minPopThresh=50, out_raster='', print_message='', verbose=False)#
- Calculate complete DEGURBA classification based on gridded population data
https://ghsl.jrc.ec.europa.eu/degurbaDefinitions.php CLASSES: (30) Urban centre - dens: 1500, totalpop: 50000, smoothed (23) Urban cluster, town, dense urban cluster - dens: 1500, totalpop: >5000, <50000, not type 30 (22) Urban cluster, town, semidense urban cluster - dens: 300, totalpop: >5000, farther than 3 km from 23 or another 22 (21) Urban cluster, suburb - dens: >300, totalpop: >5000, within 3km of 23 or 22 (13) Rural, village - dens: >300, totalpop: >500, <5000 (12) Rural, dispersed, low density - dens: >50, (11) Rural, dispersed, low density - the rest that are populated
- Parameters
urbDens – integer of the minimum density value to be counted as urban
hdDens – integer of the minimum density value to be counted as high density
urbThresh – integer minimum total settlement population to be considered urban
hdThresh – integer minimum total settlement population to be considered high density
- calculateUrban(densVal=300, totalPopThresh=5000, smooth=False, verbose=False, queen=False, raster='', raster_pop='', print_message='')#
- Generate urban extents from gridded population data through the application of a minimum
density threshold and a minimum total population threshold
- Parameters
densVal – integer of the minimum density value to be counted as urban
totalPopThresh – integer minimum total settlement population to ne considered urban
smooth – boolean to run a single modal smoothing function (this should be run when running on WorldPop as the increased resolution often leads to small holes and funny shapes
verbose – boolean on what messages to receive
queen – boolean to determine whether to dissolve final shape to connect queen’s contiguity
raster – string path to create a boolean raster of urban and not. Empty string is the default and will create no raster
raster_pop – string path to create a raster of the population layer only in the urban areas Empty string is the default and will create no raster
- Returns
GeoPandasDataFrame of the urban extents