Comparing urban methods

Comparing urban methods#

Map comparison is a complicated process, as there are many tools and approaches. In this project, we are comparing two methdologies for quantifying urban, both of which produce multiple binary rasters of urban areas:

Degree of Urbanization#

Urban area

Min Pop Density

Min Settlement Pop

Urban areas

300 people/km2

5000 people

High density urban areas

1500 people/km2

50000 people


Urban area


Urban areas

contiguous pixels for which the density is above the 95th percentile of the counterfactual


contiguous pixels within urban areas that are above the 95th percentile of the counterfactual within the urban core


urban areas that have a core

Any attempt to compare these methods has to start with a question of what do we compare: the DoU method produces two layers, and the DB method produces three. After investigating the data it is clear that the DoU urban area is equivalent to the DB urban areas. However, the comparison of the DoU high density to the DB could be to either the Cores or the cities. In the figures below you can see the comparison to both, however, let’s look at the nature of the comparison:

The code to compare the data can be found here (LINK FORTHCOMING), for both comparisons, we use the table below to define agreement

DB Core/City

DB Urban Area

DB Rural

DoU High Density

High Density

Disagree Urban

Disagree Rural

DoU Urban Area

Disagree Urban


Disagree Rural

DoU Rural

Disagree Rural

Disagree Rural


Kenya comparison#

Using these categories the maps below were created to compare the DB classes. Based on these results we will focus on the comparison of the DB cores to DoU high density areas.


Fig. 1 Nairobi zoom: comparing DB cores to DoU high density areas#


Fig. 2 Nairboi zoom: comparing DB Cities to DoU high density areas#


Fig. 3 Comparing DB cores to DoU high density areas#


Fig. 4 Comparing DB Cities to DoU high density areas#