S2S Haiti - Zonal statistics#

Zonal statistics are run on the standardized H3 grid; the process is run on a country-by-country basis.

For the zonal statistics, each zonal statistic is run against the source dataset as a whole, then it is stratified by urban classification from the European Commission - GHS-SMOD. This creates an summary dataset that has the standard zonal stats columns (SUM, MEAN, MAX, MIN) as well as the same for urban areas (SUM_urban, MEAN_urban, MAX_urban, MIN_urban).

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import sys, os, importlib, math, multiprocessing
import rasterio, geojson

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np

from h3 import h3
from tqdm import tqdm
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

sys.path.insert(0, "/home/wb411133/Code/gostrocks/src")
import GOSTRocks.rasterMisc as rMisc
import GOSTRocks.ntlMisc as ntl
import GOSTRocks.mapMisc as mapMisc
from GOSTRocks.misc import tPrint

import h3_helper
import country_zonal

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
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sel_iso3 = "HTI"
h3_level = 6

admin_bounds = "/home/public/Data/GLOBAL/ADMIN/ADMIN2/HighRes_20230328/shp/WB_GAD_ADM2.shp"
out_folder = f"/home/wb411133/projects/Space2Stats/{sel_iso3}"
if not os.path.exists(out_folder):
global_urban = "/home/public/Data/GLOBAL/GHSL/SMOD/GHS_SMOD_E2020_GLOBE_R2023A_54009_1000_V1_0.tif"
inA = gpd.read_file(admin_bounds)
selA = inA.loc[inA['ISO_A3'] == sel_iso3].copy()
selA['ID'] = selA.index #Create ID for indexing

inU = rasterio.open(global_urban)
# As a demo, we will process with nighttime lights layers
ntl_layers = ntl.aws_search_ntl()
ntl_file = ntl_layers[-1]

Generate zonal statistics at h3 based on urbanization levels#

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def get_per(x):
        return(x['SUM_urban']/x['SUM'] * 100)


Hide code cell source
global_pop_layer = "/home/public/Data/GLOBAL/GHSL/Pop/GHS_POP_E2020_GLOBE_R2023A_54009_100_V1_0.tif"
zonalC = country_zonal.country_h3_zonal(sel_iso3, selA, "ID", h3_level, out_folder)
zonal_res_pop = zonalC.zonal_raster_urban(global_pop_layer, global_urban)
100%|██████████| 202/202 [00:01<00:00, 196.99it/s]
map_data_pop = zonal_res_pop.sort_values("SUM_urban").loc[:,['shape_id','SUM','SUM_urban']].copy()
map_data_pop = pd.merge(zonalC.h3_cells, map_data_pop, on='shape_id')
map_data_pop['per_urban'] = map_data_pop.apply(get_per, axis=1)
index geometry shape_id index_right ID SUM SUM_urban per_urban
21 864c8a817ffffff POLYGON ((-72.75291 20.09093, -72.77929 20.077... 864c8a817ffffff 36452 36452 -238.286994 0.0 -0.000000
73 864c8ad4fffffff POLYGON ((-72.92188 20.09102, -72.94830 20.077... 864c8ad4fffffff 36452 36452 -229.921339 60.0 -26.095881
13 864c8a8a7ffffff POLYGON ((-72.80921 20.09098, -72.83560 20.077... 864c8a8a7ffffff 36452 36452 -128.124768 413.0 -322.342048
602 8667258a7ffffff POLYGON ((-72.03023 18.64439, -72.05657 18.630... 8667258a7ffffff 36503 36503 0.000000 0.0 0.000000
693 8667258afffffff POLYGON ((-71.99667 18.60254, -72.02300 18.588... 8667258afffffff 36493 36493 0.000000 0.0 0.000000
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
679 866725c1fffffff POLYGON ((-72.33478 18.60207, -72.36120 18.588... 866725c1fffffff 36488 36488 223787.948762 222807.0 99.561661
486 864c88687ffffff POLYGON ((-72.20424 19.76281, -72.23052 19.749... 864c88687ffffff 36418 36418 233049.883958 231887.0 99.501015
528 866725c8fffffff POLYGON ((-72.41407 18.55991, -72.44051 18.545... 866725c8fffffff 36487 36487 236411.146463 234849.0 99.339225
105 866725ce7ffffff POLYGON ((-72.30118 18.56020, -72.32759 18.546... 866725ce7ffffff 36501 36501 320978.277533 319626.0 99.578701
186 866725cf7ffffff POLYGON ((-72.35761 18.56006, -72.38404 18.546... 866725cf7ffffff 36501 36501 431109.360584 430148.0 99.777003

989 rows × 8 columns

map_plt = mapMisc.static_map_vector(map_data_pop, "SUM", thresh=[50, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 500000, 1500000], figsize=(15, 15))
map_plt.title("Total population")
map_plt = mapMisc.static_map_vector(map_data_pop, "per_urban", thresh=[0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 1000], figsize=(15,15))
map_plt.title("Percent population in urban areas")

Nighttime Lights#

zonalC = country_zonal.country_h3_zonal(sel_iso3, selA, "ID", h3_level, out_folder)
zonal_res = zonalC.zonal_raster_urban(ntl_file, global_urban)
100%|██████████| 202/202 [00:01<00:00, 198.70it/s]
map_data = zonal_res.sort_values("SUM_urban").loc[:,['shape_id','SUM','SUM_urban']].copy()
map_data = pd.merge(zonalC.h3_cells, map_data, on='shape_id')
map_data['per_urban'] = map_data.apply(get_per, axis=1)
index geometry shape_id index_right ID SUM SUM_urban per_urban
339 866725157ffffff POLYGON ((-71.99766 18.39270, -72.02401 18.378... 866725157ffffff 36490 36490 38.020000 0.0 0.000000
718 86672515fffffff POLYGON ((-71.96406 18.35068, -71.99041 18.336... 86672515fffffff 36492 36492 38.529999 0.0 0.000000
98 86672514fffffff POLYGON ((-71.90776 18.35075, -71.93409 18.336... 86672514fffffff 36492 36492 38.549999 0.0 0.000000
345 866725027ffffff POLYGON ((-72.05399 18.39262, -72.08036 18.378... 866725027ffffff 36490 36490 38.550003 0.0 0.000000
168 8667250a7ffffff POLYGON ((-72.18953 18.35026, -72.21594 18.336... 8667250a7ffffff 36476 36476 38.949997 0.0 0.000000
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
946 864c8b977ffffff POLYGON ((-71.73426 19.59698, -71.76043 19.583... 864c8b977ffffff 36440 36440 359.739990 256.0 71.162508
186 866725cf7ffffff POLYGON ((-72.35761 18.56006, -72.38404 18.546... 866725cf7ffffff 36501 36501 635.240051 554.0 87.211126
386 866725c0fffffff POLYGON ((-72.27837 18.60219, -72.30477 18.588... 866725c0fffffff 36502 36502 740.360046 673.0 90.901718
105 866725ce7ffffff POLYGON ((-72.30118 18.56020, -72.32759 18.546... 866725ce7ffffff 36501 36501 817.319946 750.0 91.763330
679 866725c1fffffff POLYGON ((-72.33478 18.60207, -72.36120 18.588... 866725c1fffffff 36488 36488 1188.530029 1113.0 93.645089

989 rows × 8 columns

map_plt = mapMisc.static_map_vector(map_data, "SUM", thresh=[5,10,50,100,500,1000,7000], figsize=(15,15))
map_plt.title("Total nighttime lights brightness")
map_plt = mapMisc.static_map_vector(map_data, "per_urban", figsize=(15,15))
map_plt.title("Percent nighttime lights from urban areas")

Join h3 zonal results to admin boundaries#

below we compare timing the administrative summaries with and without fractional intersections. While there is a difference between the two, the overall process is quite fast. As the is no computational limitation, we will rely on the fractional intersection as it is more accurate.

### These two cells are used to test the speed of joining with and without fractional intersection
%timeit cur_res = country_zonal.connect_polygons_h3_stats(selA, zonal_res, h3_level, "ID", True)
7.18 s ± 78 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit cur_res = country_zonal.connect_polygons_h3_stats(selA, zonal_res, h3_level, "ID", False)
6.76 s ± 17.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
cur_res = country_zonal.connect_polygons_h3_stats(selA, zonal_res_pop, h3_level, "ID", True)
map_admin = pd.merge(selA, cur_res, left_on="ID", right_on='id')
map_admin['per_urban'] = map_admin.apply(get_per, axis=1)
map_plt = mapMisc.static_map_vector(map_admin, "SUM", figsize=(15,15))
map_plt.title("Total Population")
map_plt = mapMisc.static_map_vector(map_admin, "per_urban", figsize=(15,15))
map_plt.title("Percent uban population")

Write output#

map_data_pop.to_file(os.path.join(out_folder, "h3_urban_pop.geojson"), driver="GeoJSON")