Comparing boundaries
Comparing boundaries#
In support of ongoing work in the World Bank Data Group, we need to idenfity a dataset of global admin 2 boundaries that jibe with the World Bank’s requirements for international boundaries.
Currently, the World Bank has an official-use only dataset of admin2 boundaries. This data started as a dataset from FAO in 2015/2016, that was snapped to medium-resolution (1:200,000) international boundaries acquired from International Mapping Associates. The data has been manually edited and updated by the World Bank cartography department, with IMA maintaining the international boundaries.
This repo is looking at those medium-resolution boundaries to determine if they are appropriate for DECAT to use as a base for our database of sub-national statistics. To do that, We are going to compare four datasets:
Existing medium-resolution boundaries
High-resolution boundaries from IMA
Geoboundaries snapped to medium resolution international boundaries
Geoboundaries snapped to high-resolution international boundaries
For now, #3 and #4 are on hold.