Convert a dataset retrieved with fetch_indicator() to DCS format.

format_dcs(df, type = c("data", "meta"))



data.frame: A pddcs formatted data frame. Output of fetch_indicator().


character: Type, either 'data' or 'meta'.






# Load example data

# Convert to 'data' format
format_dcs(bednets, type = "data")
#> # A tibble: 239 × 5
#>    Time   Country Series         Scale  Data
#>    <chr>  <chr>   <chr>          <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 YR2015 AFG     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS     0   4.6
#>  2 YR2007 AGO     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS     0  18  
#>  3 YR2011 AGO     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS     0  25.9
#>  4 YR2016 AGO     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS     0  21.7
#>  5 YR2000 AZE     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS     0   1  
#>  6 YR2000 BDI     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS     0   1  
#>  7 YR2005 BDI     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS     0   8  
#>  8 YR2010 BDI     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS     0  45.3
#>  9 YR2012 BDI     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS     0  53.8
#> 10 YR2016 BDI     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS     0  39.9
#> # … with 229 more rows

# Convert to 'metadata' format
format_dcs(bednets, type = "meta")
#> # A tibble: 239 × 4
#>    Country Series         Time   Footnote                               
#>    <chr>   <chr>          <chr>  <chr>                                  
#>  1 AFG     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS YR2015 Demographic and Health Survey 2015     
#>  2 AGO     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS YR2007 Other National Survey 2006-2007        
#>  3 AGO     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS YR2011 Malaria Indicator Survey 2011          
#>  4 AGO     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS YR2016 Demographic and Health Survey 2015-2016
#>  5 AZE     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS YR2000 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2000 
#>  6 BDI     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS YR2000 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2000 
#>  7 BDI     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS YR2005 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2005 
#>  8 BDI     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS YR2010 Demographic and Health Survey 2010     
#>  9 BDI     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS YR2012 Malaria Indicator Survey 2012          
#> 10 BDI     SH.MLR.NETS.ZS YR2016 Demographic and Health Survey 2016     
#> # … with 229 more rows